About Delhi Sports University
State University under Delhi Government:
The Delhi Sports University is established, maintained, and administered under the auspices of the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, making it a state University.
Sports Facilities Sharing Model:
The Delhi Sports University operates on a Sports facilities sharing model, where it shares existing Sports facilities and infrastructure with the Government of Delhi and its agencies. This allows efficient utilization of resources.
Multiple Entry Points for Sports Persons:
The Delhi Sports University offers multiple entry points for Sports persons. Athletes can join the formal education system after completing prescribed bridge courses.
Comprehensive Infrastructure:
Delhi Sports University has both physical and academic infrastructure dedicated to the development and research in various aspects of Sports, including methodology, equipment, physical fitness, and Sports medicine.
Sports Excellence Centers:
The Delhi Sports University has distinct Sports Excellence Centers aimed at identifying and promoting talent in various sporting and gaming fields. These centers employ mentor-based modules and involve established Sports persons in mentoring aspiring athletes.
University Schools of Studies:
It offers courses in various disciplines of study, including Sports Medicine, Sports Technology, Sports Businesses & Sports Events, and Media Management.
The government has decided to establish a University named "Delhi Sports University" in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The specific date of establishment will be determined and notified in the official Gazette by the government.
Corporate Entity
The Delhi Sports University will have a distinct legal personality and will be considered a "body corporate" with the following characteristics:
- It will have perpetual succession, meaning it will exist indefinitely.
- It will have a common seal.
- It will have the power to acquire, hold, and dispose of property.
- It will have the authority to enter into contracts.
- It can sue or be sued in its own name.
Government Approval
There is a provision stating that any land acquired and buildings constructed with government assistance cannot be disposed of without the prior approval of the government. This implies that the government has some oversight or control over the disposal of University property funded by it.
Constitution of University Officials
The passage also mentions the initial composition of the University's key officials and bodies. These include:
- Chancellor: The head of the University.
- First Vice-Chancellor: The initial leader responsible for the University's academic and administrative matters.
- First members of the Board of Management: This is likely a governing body responsible for overseeing various aspects of the University's functioning.
- First members of the Council of Sports and Academics: This council may be responsible for matters related to Sports and academics within the University.
- First Registrar: The initial official responsible for maintaining University records.

Vision and Mission
Core Objectives:
The Delhi Sports University aims to promote Sports, academics, and research in various Sports-related and allied disciplines. It also seeks to promote professional excellence in Sports.
Teaching, Learning, and Research:
The Delhi Sports University is responsible for creating systems and processes for teaching, learning, research, training, and professional development in the field of Sports and allied disciplines.
Academic Awards:
The Delhi Sports University has the authority to award diplomas, certificates, degrees, and other academic distinctions based on examinations or other testing methods.
Honorary Degrees:
It can confer honorary degrees or other distinctions in accordance with prescribed procedures.
The Delhi Sports University can receive benefactions, donations, and gifts and name chairs, institutions, buildings, etc., after donors.
Academic Standards:
The Delhi Sports University sets academic and Sports-based professional standards for admission, including examinations or other selection methods.
Scholarships and Awards:
It can institute and award fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals, and prizes.
Student Welfare:
It supervises the residence of students, promotes their health and welfare, and makes special arrangements for women students.
It regulates the conduct of both students and employees, enforces discipline, and takes necessary disciplinary measures.
Property Management:
The Delhi Sports University can acquire, hold, manage, and dispose of property, including trust and endowment properties, with prior approval.
With government approval, it can borrow money for University purposes, using University property as security.
The Delhi Sports University can create various positions, including academic, Sports-professional, administrative, and others, and make appointments according to its statutes. It also defines the terms and conditions of service for its employees.
The Delhi Sports University has the authority to cooperate, collaborate, or associate with other universities, authorities, Sports-related organizations, or institutions of higher learning for specific purposes.
Approval of Institutions:
It can approve institutions of higher learning, specialized Sports training, and persons working in such institutions for imparting instruction or conducting research.
The Delhi Sports University can set up facilities for Sports, academics, research, training, curriculum development, and specialized training in various Sports and exercise sciences.
Research and Advisory Services:
It can provide research, advisory, and training services and enter into arrangements with other organizations for this purpose.
Needs Assessment:
The Delhi Sports University assesses the needs of students in terms of subjects, specialization, and technical manpower and initiates programs to meet these needs.
Industry Collaboration:
It collaborates with the Sports industry and professionals to promote excellence in Sports, academia, and research.
Distance Learning:
The Delhi Sports University provides for instruction through distance learning and open approaches, facilitating student mobility between formal and non-formal learning streams.
It develops an operational scheme for ensuring accountability of teachers and employees within the University system.
The Delhi Sports University prescribes codes of ethics for teachers, codes of conduct for employees, and codes of discipline for students.
General Powers:
The Delhi Sports University has the authority to perform all other acts necessary or incidental to its powers and objectives.
These powers and functions collectively define the scope of activities and responsibilities of the University in its mission to promote Sports, academics, and research in the specified fields.
UGC Approved University:
A representative of University Grants Commission (UGC): The University Grants Commission is a statutory body in India that is responsible for coordinating and maintaining the standards of higher education in the country. A representative of the UGC in the governing body of the institution would likely serve as a liaison between the institution and the UGC, ensuring that the institution complies with UGC regulations and standards.
A representative of Sports Academy of India, Govt. of India: This representative would likely be associated with the Sports Academy of India, which is a government entity focused on promoting Sports and Sports-related activities in India. Their role in the governing body could involve providing expertise, guidance, and input on matters related to Sports education, training, and development within the institution
UGC Approved UniversityAmenities
Delhi Sports University
Delhi Sports University has been established and notified by the Delhi Government. India’s first woman Olympic Medallist, Padma Shri K Malleswari, has been appointed as the first Vice Chancellor. It is a first of its kind school-University integrated institution for excellence in Sports education with the aim to provide world-class Sports training and education. DSU will run and administer multiple Delhi Sports Schools from grades 6th to 12th to build foundational core competencies in prospective high performing Sportspersons. The University will also administer and manage specific training and coaching Sports Divisions under Centres for Excellence, to maintain quality driven training facilities and infrastructure and impart world class training to aspirant Sportspersons.

Delhi Sports School
Delhi Sports School (DSS) : Delhi Sports School is Delhi’s first fully residential school dedicated to Sports. It will be operated and managed by Delhi Sports University. It aims to nurture the sporting talent among students to achieve the highest level of excellence in their chosen sport and perform at major sporting events alongside academics through a specialized Sports integrated curriculum.
One bed per student shall be offeredFully furnished AC room with bed and mattressIndividual lockable almirah for storageGeyser in washroomStudy tableDressing MirrorTube lights & LEDDust Bin in each roomWashrooms with Sanitary fittingsLaundry: Fully automatic washing machineIroning: Iron and ironing boardsWater: RO facility to be providedCoffee & Tea available at hostelMedical facility available with first aid/ provided to sick residentsDoctor on call number(s) to be shared with the studentsDining area CCTV CamerasAutomated lock will be installed at the main entranceSecurity Guard - One male security guard at main entrance and one female facility managerRoomsWashroomsCommon areas would be cleaned on a daily basis Breakfast, Lunch ,evening snacks and Dinner to be served daily.
Health Center
To supervise the residence of the students of the University and to make arrangements for promoting their health and general welfare;
To set up facilities for regular and specialized training in various kinds of Sports, and health related exercise sciences