Frequently Asked Question
Delhi Sports University has been established and notified by the Delhi Government. India’s first woman Olympic Medallist, Padma Shri K Malleswari, has been appointed as the first Vice Chancellor. It is a first of its kind school-university integrated institution for excellence in sports education with the aim to provide world-class sports training and education. DSU will run and administer multiple Delhi Sports Schools from grades 6th to 12th to build foundational core competencies in prospective high-performing sportspersons. The university will also administer and manage specific training and coaching Sports Divisions under Centres for Excellence, to maintain quality-driven training facilities and infrastructure and impart world-class training to aspirant sportspersons.
You must have at least 6 months of practice/participation in the sport you have applied for. If you have participated in the sport competitively, you will be awarded marks based on the level of participation.
Yes, you can use any email ID for registration but please ensure that you have access to that email ID till the scouting process is not completed since your registration number, password OTPs, and results will be sent to the registered email ID only.
Results, once compiled, will be posted on the website
Passport size photo, birth certificate, previous year school marksheet/report card/school I-card/school fee receipt, certificates of sports achievements
Original Passport size photo, Birth certificate, Admit card, Aadhaar card, Achievement certificate, bone age verification certificate
Your basic information cannot be changed once you have registered. You can withdraw the form and start the process again in case of mistakes.
You can withdraw your form as many times as needed.
Your basic information cannot be changed once you have registered. You can still modify the further details until the form is submitted.
No, you cannot make changes after the form has been submitted.
You can send an email to the email ID provided on the website.
You must have at least 6 months of participation/practice in the sport that you are applying for.
Your registration ID and password will be sent to your registered email ID. In case you forget them, you can click on the “forgot password” tab on the login page. The instructions to retrieve your information will be sent to the registered email ID.
If you are selected and choose to take admission in Delhi Sports School, it is mandatory to stay in the hostel.
You can take as long as you need to fill the application form, as long as you submit it before the last date of submission. The form will not be accepted until it is submitted in the final step.
Any certificates for participation/winning in the sport that you are seeking admission in are considered achievements for the application process.
You can submit multiple achievements.
Achievements are not a mandatory column. You can skip the step if you do not have any certificates for achievements.
No, applications are only accepted online.
Yes. Once you are selected and complete the admission process, you will be allotted the hostels.
At Delhi Sports School, sporting excellence among students will be nurtured alongside academics through a specialized sports integrated curriculum from grades VI to XI.
Delhi Sports School has academic facilities from class 6th to 11th in this academic session. You can check the vacancy list and age criterion for each class in your sport on the website and apply to the class best suited for you.
Yes. The form will not be accepted until all five steps are completed and the form is submitted at the end of the fifth step. After submission, you will see a prompt to print the application form. That is when the application has been submitted.
Once you complete the application form, if your application is complete, you will be called for stage 1 trials. Once you clear stage 1, you will be called for stage 2 and then stage 3 trials. Your medical test and document verification will be done in the school. Your admission will be subject to fulfilling all the admission criteria including medical fitness and age verification.
The admit card will be posted on the website and you will receive an email as well.
You do not need any equipment except your sportswear for stage 1 of trials. For stage 2, you have to bring your sport-specific equipment.
Bone-age verification is a radiological investigation used to verify the age provided on the application form. You can get it done from any NABL accredited lab nearby.
NABL is the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories. You can check the website of the lab and look for the accreditation or go to the NABL website and look up the lab.
Applicants have to make their own accommodation arrangements for the trials if coming from outside Delhi.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Height (in cms)
- Weight (in kgs)
- Blood Group
- Details of current/past injuries/medical conditions
- List and scanned file of certificates of sports achievements in the sport that the candidate is applying for
- Date of Birth certificate
- School ID card/report card/marksheet of the current class
- Scanned file of passport size photo of the candidate
- Scanned file of the signature of the candidate
On the home page of registration, you can click on the “withdraw application” button, enter your registration ID, Date of Birth, and a valid reason for withdrawal, and withdraw the application.